• Volume 38,Issue 4,2017 Table of Contents
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    • >传感器技术
    • Advances in detection circuit of magnetic sensors based on giant magnetoimpedance at abroad

      2017, 38(4):781-793.

      Abstract (2363) HTML (0) PDF 3.56 M (4818) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The magnetic sensors based on giant magnetoimpedance (GMI) and asymmetrical giant magnetoimpedance (AGMI) effects of amorphous alloy materials are one of the research hot spots in the magnetic sensor technology field over the past two decades. Amorphous alloy material has been believed to be the material suitable for developing the micro magnetic sensors with high resolution, low power consumption and fast response speed. However, up to now most of the GMI sensors with high resolution developed at abroad are at the preindustrial prototype stage, and their basic performance specifications are inferior to the commercial AMR and GMR magnetic sensors. This paper briefly describes the influence of the GMI effect in amorphous alloy material and annealing processing on GMI effect. Then, the paper emphatically introduces various types of amorphous wires and ribbons based GMI magnetic sensors developed abroad, analog signal detection circuits and their reference performance specifications. Finally, the key techniques for developing high sensitivity GMI magnetic sensors are investigated with an outlook of future research in this field.

    • Advanced research on information perception technologies of intelligent electric vehicles

      2017, 38(4):794-805.

      Abstract (3526) HTML (0) PDF 3.11 M (5302) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Defined as a type of mobile robot, smart electric vehicle is changing the quality of human life, spacetime value and cultural integration. In this paper, the development of smart electric vehicle is detailed introduced as well as its technological level and related core technololies at home and abroad. The information perception, electric vehicle charging pil, and battery management system are focused. The related core technololgies in electric vehicle, such as sensing technology, data fusion, control algorithm, and communication technology, are summarized. With the development of novel intelligent sensing technology, such as large data and cloud computing, future intelligence perception will completely change the pattern recognition of traditional machine vision technology on the underlying characteristics. In the process of industrialization of intelligent electric vehicles also need to address human nature, security, reliability and legal and moral issues. The rapid development of intelligent electric vehicle technology will change the concept of time and space of mankind, but also will have a farreaching and revolutionary impact on the transport industry.

    • Design of vehiclebased POS performance evaluation system based onmultisensors’ composite measurements

      2017, 38(4):806-912.

      Abstract (2135) HTML (0) PDF 2.11 M (3377) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:position and orientation system (POS) is one of the most important components in mobile mapping system, whose position and orientation accuracy attracts considerable attention. By using total station, laser tracker and GNSS timed device, this paper designed a compound dynamic accuracy testing system. The measurement method of dynamic position accuracy testing for POS is also focused, which utilizes the time statistics of single measurement and curve fitting to calculate the measurement error. After eliminating gross error from the raw observation data, the ICP (iterative closest point) algorithm is used for modifying the trajectory of totalstation system. As a result, the dynamic measurement can be enhanced by comparing the highaccuracy trajectory of laser tracking system and the totalstation system. Outdoor experiments are carried out to verify the proposed calibration method, in which the overall trajectory comparison and realtime comparison are applied for testing the dynamic position accuracy of POS. Experimental results indicate that the designed evaluation system can be used for testing both realtime and postprocessed dynamic position accuracy of POS.

    • Analysis of stress wave attenuation property of largescale magnetostrictive displacement sensor

      2017, 38(4):813-920.

      Abstract (1754) HTML (0) PDF 2.81 M (3364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To develop largescale magnetostrictive displacement sensor (MDS), the energy attenuation of stress wave is studied. A novel test method of attenuation coefficient is proposed in this work, in which the expression of attenuation coefficient and its correction method are involved. The experimental platform of MDS is set up to test the attenuation coefficients of the stress wave propagating in FeGa and FeNi waveguides. Moreover, the effects of wire diameter, stress wave frequency and stress on the attenuation coefficient are analyzed and determined. Experimental results show that the stress wave attenuation coefficients of FeGa and FeNi waveguides with 0.6 mm wire diameter are 0.154 8 Np·m-1 and 0.180 8 Np·m-1, respectively, under 54 kHz and in the absence of stress. The attenuation coefficient increases as the wire diameter and the frequency of stress wave increases. The attenuation coefficient decreases first and then trends towards stability as the stress increases. Therefore, to reduce the attenuation of the stress wave in the production of a largescale MDS, the diameter of FeGa waveguide wire, stress wave frequency and stress are 0.4 mm, 32 kHz and 60 MPa, respectively.

    • Design of multidisc MRF damper with serpentine flux path

      2017, 38(4):821-829.

      Abstract (1994) HTML (0) PDF 3.68 M (3663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The design method of a new type multidisc MRF damper with large output damper torque, low initial damper force is introduced. The magnetic elements, nonmagnetic elements and magneto rheological fluid (MRF) in the gap constitute a closed serpentine flux path inside the damper. Aiming at the leakage problem, the design idea of ferrofluidic sealing is adopted, which significantly reduces the friction force at the rotating shaft. Based on the Bingham plastic model, the paper analyzes the mechanical characteristics of MRF, and derives the damper torque model. The ANSYS Maxwell software is used to conduct the finite element analysis of the damper, which verifies the accuracy of the flux path, and then the structure of the damper is improved on the basis of the original design. Finally, a small volume MRF damper was developed. An experiment platform was built by our own, on which torque measurement experiment and response time measurement experiment were carried out; the experiment results verify that the damper has the characteristics of large output torque, low initial damping force and low response time. The diameter of the damper is 33.6 mm, its height is 21.6 mm, and the weight is about 200 g; when the input current is 1.2 A, the output torque is about 350 N·mm, which reaches the required torque for the operator to grasp virtual objects.

    • Study on leakage identification method of water supply pipeline based on ФOTDR optical fiber sensing technology

      2017, 38(4):830-837.

      Abstract (2165) HTML (0) PDF 2.38 M (3405) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Due to the complex working conditions around the city water supply pipeline, it is difficult to achieve pattern recognition on leakage and other interference vibration. This study proposes a method to identify leakage vibration detection by utilizing the ФOTDR distributed optical fiber sensor based on fractal box dimension and improved approximate entropy. According to the signal space filling feature of cavitation noise near the leakage, the time domain signal is measured by the fractal box dimension. A new scalefree zone searching method is adopted. Then, the value of the box dimension parameters can be obtained by the high feature of the signal according to the turbulence noise signal chaotic characteristics. According to the turbulence noise signal chaotic characteristics, the approximate entropy is employed to measure the timedomain signal. A new method of selecting a similar margin is used. Hence, the improved approximate entropy can reflect the randomness of signals. The fractal box dimension and improved approximate entropy of denoised signal are utilized as the input of the twodimensional parameter plane. By setting the threshold range in the plane, the distinction between the leakage signals and interfering signals can be realized. By processing signals detected in experiments using this method, the results show that the accuracy rate of leakage recognition can reach up to 96.7%, which indicates that this method can separate water pipeline leakage signals and other signals accurately and efficiently.

    • >Information Processing Technology
    • Magnetic property parameter identification of steel pole based on GAPSO hybrid algorithm

      2017, 38(4):838-843.

      Abstract (2169) HTML (0) PDF 2.05 M (3799) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:By measuring the hysteresis loop of shaft parts, the change of its feature can be used to describe the the surface hardness and case depth. It is one of the most promising technologies for nondestructive testing. The key of this technology is to develop the measuring devices and research the high precision identification method. This paper design a hysteresis loop measurement device for shaft parts based on the closed magnetic circuit. A Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization (GAPSO) hybrid algorithm is proposed to identify the parameters based on JA model, which can realize the fast and accurate identification of the global and local characteristic parameters of hysteresis loop. According to the measured hysteresis loops of three different kinds of steel material, the consuming time and accuracy of parameter identification are compared and analyzed among the proposed hybrid algorithm and other algorithms (genetic algorithm; particle swarm optimization; simulated annealing algorithm). The experimental results show that the minimum root mean square error of the global identification results of the hybrid algorithm is only 0.004 7, which is lower than the corresponding results of other algorithms. The relative error of the local feature parameters (coercivity and residual magnetic induction) identification results of the hybrid algorithm is less than 0.35%, which is smaller than other algorithms. The experimental measurements and parameters identification method can be expected to apply for the nondestructive testing for surface hardened layer of shaft component, e.g., dowel pins, bolts.

    • Extraction method of histogram of oriented gradient based heat kernel signatures

      2017, 38(4):844-852.

      Abstract (2518) HTML (0) PDF 3.79 M (3648) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a feature extraction method suitable for describing local surface structure of the nonrigid 3D model is proposed, which is called histogram of oriented gradient based heat kernel signature (HOGHKS) extraction method. The method firstly extracts the heat kernel signature of the 3D point with isometric invariance, which makes the following extracted feature vector have isometric invariant characteristic and good stability. Then, the logarithm difference of the heat kernel signature is computed and its histogram of oriented gradient is computed, which can make the constructed feature vector have certain scale invariance to the scale variation of 3D model. The proposed feature in a certain extent solves the problems that the HKS feature does not have scale invariance, and the SIHKS feature has scale invariance though, it requires transforming the heat kernel signature into frequency domain for description, which will lose part of the effective description information. Extensive experiment results show that the HOGHKS feature has better retrieval performance compared with the HKS feature and SIHKS feature.

    • AGV rectifying method based on optimal deviation path

      2017, 38(4):853-860.

      Abstract (1772) HTML (0) PDF 3.61 M (4964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at trajectory tracking of the visionguided AGV with twodimension code, a fuzzy PID rectification algorithm based on optimal deviation path is proposed. Firstly, the kinematics equation of the AGV is established, using the lateral deviation and course deviation as the input variables of the control system. Secondly, the optimal deviation path and optimal control equation are obtained based on the optimal deviation transformation strategy by introducing the Hamilton optimal control function. Finally, the fuzzy PID controller’s parameters are updated according to pose error between the AGV and the optimal deviation path, to achieve the differential velocity adjusting real time. As a result, the AGV drives along the optimal deviation path, and achieves optimal control. The experimental results show that the proposed method can eliminate the lateral and course deviation smoothly and quickly. In extreme deviation, the four kinds of membership interval deviation correction results of this method are 2.38, 2.54, 3.29 and 4.43 mm. The results are all less than 5 mm, and the rectification distance is less than 1.2 m, and trajectory tracking accuracy is 3.2 mm.Not only the navigation precision improves, but also the stability of the operation and driving capability of the nontrack AGV are met.

    • New active electric energy measurement algorithm undernonintegerperiod sampling

      2017, 38(4):861-869.

      Abstract (1799) HTML (0) PDF 3.75 M (3426) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:If a signal is analyzed by using FFT algorithm under nonintegerperiod sampling condition, it will cause spectral leakage, and cause measurement error of active electric energy. After defining fundamental active electric energy and harmonic active electric energy, and proving that there is a certain relationship between the total electric energy consumed by loads and the spectrum of voltage and current signals, the harmonic subgroup windowed FFT algorithm is proposed. Firstly, it groups the spectrum bins of the windowed signal using the harmonic subgroup grouping method in IEC standard. Then, the electric energy recovery coefficient is calculated based on the rule that the total active electric energy remains unchanged after the signals is windowed. Lastly, fundamental electric active energy and harmonic electric active energy is obtained using the coefficient and the harmonic subgroup bins’ parameters. Numerical simulation analysis and actual evaluation show that the new algorithm uses Hanning window to process the signals, it can achieve higher accuracy to calculate fundamental electric active energy and harmonic electric active energy.

    • Signal modeling for microbend type Coriolis mass flowmeter under gasliquid twophase flow

      2017, 38(4):870-877.

      Abstract (2538) HTML (0) PDF 4.20 M (4967) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Compared with ordinary Ushape and Δshape Coriolis mass flowmeters, the microbend type Coriolis mass flowmeter has lager measurement error in measuring gasliquid (airwater) twophase flow because it has a higher natural frequency and smaller phase difference. To reveal the characteristic of gasliquid twophase measurement error, the flow sequence is obtained by adapting a zerocrossing detection method based on experimental data of the microbend type Coriolis mass flowmeter. The distribution pattern of the flow sequence is analyzed with the probability density. The mathematical model of the flow sequence is built by the correlation analysis and its veracity is confirmed. The mathematical model consists of a stable component and a fluctuating component. The stable component corresponds to the mean value of the practical flow measurement and the difference between it and the true value of the flow measurement reflects the gasliquid twophase flow measurement error of the microbend type Coriolis mass flowmeter. The fluctuating component reflects the stability of the instantaneous flow measurement.

    • Biomechanicsbased investigation on the relation between index Q and cervical muscle fatigue

      2017, 38(4):878-885.

      Abstract (2601) HTML (0) PDF 3.75 M (3513) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Muscle fatigue is one of the main reasons for cervical spondylosis. In order to effectively detect and relieve cervical muscle fatigue, the relation between surface electromyography (SEMG) and cervical muscle fatigue was investigated based on biomechanics. In the experiments, 8 healthy volunteers aged between 21 and 33 years old were selected as subjects. All the subjects maintained cervical flexion positions for 2 hours, and the SEMG signals of upper trapezius at 6th and 7th spinous processes were recorded. First, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) was used to denoise the SEMG signals. Then, integrated electromyography (IEMG), approximate entropy (ApEn), and fatigue index Q were extracted and analyzed; the changing rules of the three characteristic parameters in cervical flexion process were studied. The experiment results show that as the neck flexion time increases, the IEMG increases, ApEn and index Q decrease. Among the three parameters, index Q has the best relation with muscle fatigue due to the stable data, obvious difference and being consistent with biomechanical analysis. During the 2 hours of cervical flexion, the average value of index Q decreases from 0.37 to 0.21. Then, it increases to 0.33 after massage. Therefore, the research results have great significance for the people suffering from long time cervical flexion to avoid and relieve cervical muscle fatigue and reduce the occurrence of cervical spondylosis.

    • >Precision Measurement Technology and Instrument
    • Study on gradient measurement in electromagnetic exploration

      2017, 38(4):886-894.

      Abstract (2714) HTML (0) PDF 3.48 M (3442) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Gradient measurement has a great significance to improve the resolution of electromagnetic exploration and to suppress the environmental noise and interference. There are two types of methods to measure gradient filed, measuring differential signal directly by hardware and calculating difference between two channels of absolute vector field. In this paper, the specific implementation of this two modes are achieved, and the results of this two methods are compared. Besides the sources of error and methods to suppress noise are explored. The research shows that discordance between channels, especially the phase difference is the key to influence measurement accuracy. As the hardware mode acquires differential signal by hardware directly, it is difficult to eliminate the error caused by discordance between channels according to calibration method. Moreover, the error magnitude increases with the decrease of the gradient too rapidly to measure the gradient field. The software mode, which acquires gradient field by software difference method after measuring absolute field, can achieve smaller error, and the measurement accuracy can be further improved after the channel calibration. In one word, if it’s difficult to ensure the highly discordance between channels, the software mode is the optimal way to realize the measurement of electromagnetic gradient, which can obtain the absolute field simultaneously to aid gradient data interpretation. The results of this study provide a useful reference for the development of electromagnetic gradient system. According to the method, array receivers are designed for frequencydomain controlledsource electromagnetic gradient method, and the experimental results in Jiangsu verifies the superiority of the measurement method.

    • Dynamic and static characteristics analysis of airgap magneticfield of a large displacement angular vibrator

      2017, 38(4):895-902.

      Abstract (2605) HTML (0) PDF 5.26 M (3698) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the issues of the uneven airgap magnetic field and the high wave distortion under the condition of a large angular displacement output of the motordriven angular vibrator, a novel large displacement angular vibrator with the magnetic circuit of the radial magnetic flux is proposed. The dynamic and static characteristics in the airgap magnetic field are analyzed and optimized. Based on the equivalent magnetization intensity method (EMIM), an analytical expression of the airgap magnetic flux density (MFD) is established in the polar coordinate system, and the effectiveness of the method is verified by the finite element method (FEM). The effects of the thickness of permanent magnet (PM), the sector angle of PM and the thickness of the airgap on the static airgap magnetic field are also analyzed. The dynamic characteristics of the airgap magnetic field are simulated by the transient finite element method at different frequencies such as 0.01, 0.1 and 1 Hz when the outer magnet ring is fixed but the PM and inner magnet core are rotated. The influence of the relative movement between the magnetic circuits on airgap MFD is quantitatively investigated. Finally, the optimized parameters of the magnetic circuit are applied to the large displacement angular vibrator, and the test results show that the actual average MFD and its distribution are consistent with the theoretical results. The method has great significances to the theoretical analysis and optimization design of the radial magnetic flux magnetic circuit of angular vibrators.

    • Modeling and parameter identification of asymmetric hysteresis for piezoelectric actuator

      2017, 38(4):903-909.

      Abstract (2053) HTML (0) PDF 2.79 M (3647) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Many asymmetric hysteresis models based on traditional BoucWen for the piezoelectric actuator have some redundant parameters, which reduce the accuracy of parameter identification. The most frequently used particle swarm algorithm converges slowly and is easy to fall into local optimum in terms of parameter identification of the piezoelectric actuator. Thus, a normalized asymmetric hysteresis model is proposed by introducing two polynomials to describe the asymmetric hysteresis behavior and using the normalized BoucWen model to eliminate the redundancy of the parameters. Tthe selfadaptive differential evolution algorithm is developed for parameter identification, in which both associated control parameters and trial vector generation strategies can be selfadapted with the increase of generations. An experimental system about the piezoelectric actuator is set up. The results show that the proposed model is better to represent the actual characteristic of the piezoelectric actuator and successfully eliminate the redundancy of the parameters, which decreases the difficulty of parameter identification. Compared with traditional differential evolution algorithm and particle swarm algorithm, the selfadaptive differential evolution algorithm can find the optimal solution more quickly and more accurately.

    • Dynamic design method of gear measuring instrument and its application

      2017, 38(4):910-918.

      Abstract (1865) HTML (0) PDF 4.63 M (3697) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problem that poor dynamic performance of current gear measuring instruments seriously affects the stability, reliability and accuracy of measurement results, the researches on the dynamic design methods of gear measuring instruments were conducted and a dynamic design method combining finite element analysis and experiment modal analysis is put forward. First of all, the theoretical basis of dynamic analysis, the basic steps of finite element analysis and the basic principle of the experiment modal analysis are studied. Then, taking a certain gear fast measuring instrument as example, the finite element analysis and experiment modal analysis were carried out for the gear fast measuring instrument. Third, the measuring experiment was carried out on the gear fast measuring instrument, in which the gears with different precision were adopted, and the tests were carried out at different speeds. Finally, the vibration disturbance in the measurement experiments and the change of the vibration during the measurement process were analyzed. The experiment results show that the finite element analysis method can effectively improve the dynamic performance of the instrument in the design stage and can improve the dynamic performance index of the instrument fundamentally. The experiment modal analysis method can accurately obtain the actual dynamic performance index of the instrument after the instrument is manufactured, can effectively carry out the best working speed selection and further enhance the usage performance of the instrument. With the experiments, the correctness of finite element analysis and experimental modal analysis is verified, which provides a method for improving the dynamic precision of the gear measuring instrument and provide a viable way for reasonably using the measuring instrument.

    • Cooling capacity source and its uncertainty analysis with water enthalpy method

      2017, 38(4):919-926.

      Abstract (2466) HTML (0) PDF 3.58 M (3574) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Unifying the cooling capacity measurement result has a fundamental effect on energy conservation and emission reduction in airconditioner industry. The waterenthalpy method cooling capacity source could be applied in the calibration of cooling capacity measuring apparatus; it could supply a cooling capacity that is measurable and controllable. In this research, the principle of the waterenthalpy method, which reduces the number of measuring parameters, was illustrated first. Then, the physical structure of the source was designed and developed, and the source was experimentally investigated with a balanced ambient roomtype calorimeter. The experiment results show that the maximum relative difference of cooling capacity between the source and the calorimeter is less than ±0.7%. Finally, the uncertainty evaluation process and result of the cooling capacity output of the source are given in detail. The evaluation results show that the repeatability of the source is 11.4 W; as the cooling capacity increases from 1 660.8 to 5 810.4 W, the combined standard uncertainty increases form 12.3 to 18.2 W, and the relative expanded uncertainty decreases from 1.5%(k=2) to 0.6%(k=2). With the waterenthalpy method the traceability of cooling capacity source is achieved for the first time from the perspective of metrology, the cooling capacity could be traced to temperature, pressure, flow rate and electric power, and the source apparatus could be used as standard cooling capacity source in calibration.

    • Error analysis and calibration method of the installation angle of sensitive axis

      2017, 38(4):927-934.

      Abstract (1904) HTML (0) PDF 2.43 M (3546) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the highprecision positioning and orientation system aided by the auxiliary ElectroOptical inertial navigation, the initial alignment installation angle of sensitive axis among systems is the key factor. Based on calibration principle of the installation angle of the sensitive axis, the installation angle calibration is converted to the calibration of the lateral position error. The main factors of affecting the lateral position deviation are detailedly analyzed, and the affection of INS system error and the installation angle are separated. The Lateral position deviation by the installation angle of sensitive axis is calibrated by using the least square algorithm. The simulation results reveal that the calibration accuracy of the installation angle of sensitive axis is less than 10″. Experimental verification result is less than 20″ (1σ). Moreover, the algorithm is simple and convenient to be implemented, less timeconsuming, and small dependency on the external environment. Thus, the highprecision dynamic alignment requirement can be satisfied in this work.

    • Ultraprecision position detection for linear motor mover based on multipeak fitting

      2017, 38(4):935-945.

      Abstract (2238) HTML (0) PDF 5.65 M (3601) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to satisfy highprecision measurement requirement of the linear motor mover position, a multipeak fitting phase correlation algorithm is proposed. The adjacent fence image is captured with a highspeed micro camera installed on the linear motor mover, and the phase correlation function of adjacent fence images is obtained by phase correlation algorithm. According to peaks distribution characteristics of the correlation function, the multimodal fitting method is utilized to acquire subpixel displacement of adjacent fence images. Based on the calibration coefficient of measuring system, the precise position of linear motor mover can be further acquired. Experimental results show that the subpixel image measuring method can achieve precise positioning, and the position detection accuracy of linear motor mover, can be up to 1/100 pixel, and it has strong robustness and high realtime performance.

    • >Detection Technology
    • Leakage detection and location method of oil and gas pipelines based on Markov features

      2017, 38(4):944-951.

      Abstract (2177) HTML (0) PDF 1.87 M (3521) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at shortcomings of traditional leakage detection methods based on pressure signal, such as high false positive rate and false negative rate, and large location error, a leakage detection and location method of oil and gas pipeline based on Markov feature is designed. First of all, a Markov chain is built from the pipeline pressure data, at the same time, the dynamic features are extracted; then, in order to detect all pressure data sample states, the NeymanPearson anomaly detection method is applied to the dynamic features; meanwhile, the detection results are corrected through checking whether the detected abnormal samples are matching with the same source signal; last, similarity location method and continuous wavelet location method are combined to determine the time difference of the pressure changes at both ends of the pipe, and the leakage is located according the information of pipeline length and pressure wave transmission speed. The method presented in this paper can be used in the detection and localization of little leakage and slow leakage, is easy to implement; moreover, the false positive rate and false negative rate are significantly decreased, the positioning accuracy is improved. The historical data analysis verifies the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed method.

    • Diagnosis on the mechanical fault of universal circuit breaker based on motor current analysis

      2017, 38(4):952-960.

      Abstract (1827) HTML (0) PDF 2.25 M (3740) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The motor current signal is usually used to analyze the fault of the electrical machine. However, few research works utilize the current to diagnose the fault of the mechanism connected with the motor. A fault diagnosis method for the universal circuit breaker operating mechanism based on the energy storage motor current signal analysis is proposed. Firstly, Hilbert amplitude demodulation and improved threshold wavelet packet method are used to obtain the envelope of the AC current signal, which can solve the rough problem of the extracted envelope caused by random noise interference. Then, the time characteristics, amplitude characteristics and kurtosis of the current signal are extracted according to the envelope as the characteristic parameters of current waveforms of different states. Finally, the fuzzy clustering and Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization (QPSO)Relevance Vector Machine (RVM) are combined to realize the classification of normal state of circuit breaker, jam fault of drive gear, jam fault and abscission of the energy storage spring. The fault diagnosis system of universal circuit breaker based on current analysis is constructed. Evaluations are conducted under different working conditions. Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively extract the fault features of the circuit breaker operating mechanism and realizes the diagnosis of the conventional circuit breaker operating mechanism fault.

    • Damage detection of CFRP laminate structure based on fourprobe method

      2017, 38(4):961-968.

      Abstract (2015) HTML (0) PDF 5.37 M (4395) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is widely applied in aerospace field, the implementation of structural health monitoring is significant to improve the detection level of damage tolerance during the process of airworthiness certification and reduce test cost. Aiming at the CFRP laminate structure used in airplane, the selfsensing and the sensitive electrical characteristics of CFRP structural damage are utilized. A nondestructive impedance test method based on fourprobe is proposed to realize fast structural health monitoring with noninvasion, nonradiation and low cost. The anisotropic CFRP laminate models are built with COMSOL finite element software, and comparative analyses of the effect of different types of structural damages detection are conducted by extracting the effective voltage difference and voltage sensitivity parameter. Therefore, the optimal incentive measurement model for CFRP laminate structure damage detection can be obtained. Comprehensive experimental results show that the excitation of double electrodes has a better overall performance.

    • Leak location in gas pipelines by extraction of single nondispersive mode from leakageinduced acoustic emission signal

      2017, 38(4):969-976.

      Abstract (2471) HTML (0) PDF 2.23 M (3167) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The correlationbased leak location errors are large due to the multimodal and dispersive characteristics of leakageinduced acoustic emission. One kind of leak location in the gas pipelines by extracting the single nondispersive mode is proposed in this study. The crosspower spectrum of the single modal and nondispersive component in the leak acoustic emission can be obtained by applying the weighing window with parameters of the wave number of the relative mode. Then, the crosspower spectrum of a single modal and nondispersive component is analyzed by the inverse Fouriertransformed to acquire the crosscorrelation for estimating the time delay. Hence, the acoustic velocity of a single modal and nondispersive component can be used for calculating the leak position more accurately. The experiments of leak location indicate that the relative error is reduced at least 7%. The reason is the enhancement of correlativity of a single modal and nondispersive component in leak acoustic emission and the adoption of a more accurate acoustic velocity. It shows that the timedelay estimation by extracting the singlemodal and nondispersive component in the crosspower spectrum of leakageinduced acoustic emission signals will enhance the leak detection and location.

    • Experiment and analysis on electromagnetic current transformer harmonic ratio error

      2017, 38(4):977-984.

      Abstract (2446) HTML (0) PDF 3.70 M (3556) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The harmonic transfer characteristics of electromagnetic current transformer is complex, and the transfer error varies and is hard to estimate. This article designs the experiment of hysteresis loop of ferromagnetic material, and analyzes the influence of the hysteresis loop shape on the transfer error of current transformer. Aiming at the difficulty of high accurate detection of harmonic error, a highprecision detection system of current transformer harmonic error was developed. With the experiment, the influence of frequency, load, fundamental current, harmonic phase and DC component on the harmonic transfer error of current transformer is analyzed.

    • >Visual inspection and Image Measurement
    • RSTinvariant feature extraction method inspired by bionic visual perception

      2017, 38(4):985-995.

      Abstract (1419) HTML (0) PDF 7.64 M (3297) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Rotation, scaling and translation (RST) invariant features extraction with bionic vision mechanism is proposed to improve their recognition accuracy and robustness. Inspired by the biological visual perception, the cortical cells are able to balance the selectivity and invariance of the image with multiple transformations. Therefore, the proposed method is devided into two stages. In the first stage, inspired by the horizontal and vertical directions response of biological vision, a novel filtertofilter orientation edge detector is built that combines Gabor filters and bipolar filters. The Gabor filters are used as the bottom filter to smooth images, and the edge detector is constructed by the edge of the horizontal and vertical bipolar filter, to enhance the feature extraction robustness and the edge detection accuracy. On this basis, response intensity of cortical visual cortex cells are simulated and the spatial frequency of image is measured according to the different edge direction and distance. Furthermore, spatial frequency interval detector is designed by orientationinterval image mapping in θ-I coordination, which transforms rotation and scaling of original image into a horizontal or vertical shift. In the second stage, the orientation and interval detection are performed once again on the output of first stage, which converts the horizontal and vertical shift into an invariant pixel in orientationinterval map to make the imaoge RST invariance. Experimental results illustrate the effectiveness of invariant features and recognition ability. Meanwhile, the recognition accuracy and complexity are compared with other invariant feature extraction methods, which shows the proposed method is superior on robustness to rotation, scaling, translation and noise image.

    • The circuit break detection of flexible deformation FPC based on skeleton

      2017, 38(4):996-1004.

      Abstract (1949) HTML (0) PDF 2.60 M (3016) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The warping deformation of flexible printed circuit (FPC) would result in flexible deformation of the image acquired, which reduces the detection performance of the system. To solve this problem, this paper propose a solution based on establishing an image flexible deformation model and analyzing deformation mechanism. Firstly, the circuit skeleton is extracted after image preprocessing and is delivered to dynamic template scale space (DTSS) model for acquiring clean skeleton image without branches noise. Then, whole endpoints of previous skeleton are extracted and abnormal structure regions are located by morphological operation and local template matching. Endpoints within abnormal structure regions are removed.. Thus, the endpoints of circuit break are acquired, and circuit break defects are detected through the congruent relationship between circuit break endpoints and locations. Experimental results show that the approach proposed in this paper is robust to flexible deformation. The CDR reaches to 99.30% and FDR reaches to 2.25%, which shows the validity of this method. Compared with other methods, CDR increases 5.03% at least, and FDR decreases 8.22%, which shows the advantages of this method in practical application.

    • Image fusion via cross bilateral filter and visual weight information

      2017, 38(4):1005-1013.

      Abstract (1925) HTML (0) PDF 5.64 M (4161) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Image fusion technology plays a vital role in the field of image analysis. In order to retain the details of the source images and improve the contrast of fusion image, a novel image fusion method is proposed based on visual weight map and multiscale decomposition. Firstly, bilateral filter with varied parameters is used for the multiscale decomposition of two source images. Then, visual weight map in each decomposition level is calculated and different weights are assigned to the different decomposition levels. Finally, fused image is generated by synthetizing these results. The image information is totally retained due to the decomposition without upsampling and downsampling. Moreover, this method can also overcome some of the wellknown problems in pixel level fusion such as blurring effects and high sensitivity to noise. Experimental results by using four metrics show that the proposed algorithm obtains dramatically improved performance compared to the other five stateoftheart algorithms. In addition, the computation time of our approach is less than 0.1 seconds, which is much better than other methods. The details and contrast of fused image are enhanced, and the computation time is reduced dramatically.

    • Correction method for radial distortion of fisheye lens

      2017, 38(4):1014-1023.

      Abstract (2993) HTML (0) PDF 5.33 M (5355) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Aiming at the radial distortion in fisheye image, a method to correct the fisheye image by computing the radial distortion function is proposed in this study. First, the coordination of the image center and radius utilized for correction is obtained through Hough Transform according to characteristics of fisheye lens. The radial distortion calibration is accomplished by using the cylindrical checkerboard template which is proposed in this paper. The relation between the distance from the sampling points on radial direction of the image to the image center and the viewing angle of object points of the sampling points is achieved by fitting a polynomial. Then, the fisheye image is recovered to the spherical projective plane. Finally, the planar perspective image which is accord with human version is realized by using a planar projective model. A corrected 360° panorama is obtained by a cylindrical projective plane. The experimental results show that the proposed method is effective for correcting the radial distortion.

    • >交叉与前沿
    • Modeling for electrode system in alternating current electric arc furnace based on HammersteinWiener model

      2017, 38(4):1024-1030.

      Abstract (1636) HTML (0) PDF 2.42 M (3527) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:At present, the SingleInput SingleOutput (SISO) HammersteinWiener (HW) model is widely used for singlephase electrode system in Alternating Current (AC) Electric Arc Furnace (EAF). This kind of model simplifies the true structure of the electrode system, which results in the low prognostics accuracy. To solve this problem, a MultiInput MultiOutput (MIMO) HW model for electrode system is proposed in this paper. Due to the model structure is the same with the practical electrode system, the prognostics results can be enhanced. Under the condition that the MIMO static nonlinear block is irreversible, a parameter identification method of MIMO HW model is presented based on the separable nonlinear least square algorithm. Finally, the prognostics accuracy of the proposed model is proved to be higher than the traditional SISO model by using the practical data.

    • Configuration axiomatic design method for the machining fixtures integrating TRIZ

      2017, 38(4):1031-1039.

      Abstract (2410) HTML (0) PDF 1.86 M (3594) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In the manufacturing enterprises, machining fixture scheme design is rely heavily on the designer’s empirical knowledge, and it is lack of a theoretic framework to guide the process of machining fixture configuration. This leads to poor design standardization, quality difference, and low reuse efficiency on existing fixture case. Thus, a design method based on integrating Axiomatic Design (AD) and TRIZ is proposed firstly. The design case of fixture is decomposed on the basis of AD theory, and meanwhile, the multihierarchy case database is constructed. Then, the function decomposition algorithm is designed to search for subsolutions for subFR. After that, the fixture initial design schemes is generated and then using independent Axiom to analyze coupling. To achieve the rapid transformation from fixture scheme design attributes to TRIZ engineering parameters, the associated table between TRIZ engineering parameters and fixture scheme design is built. The fixture scheme decoupling design can be implemented by using TRIZ conflict resolving theories. Finally, the effectiveness and feasibility of this method are verified in a milling fixture scheme design for the aeroengine casing.

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