Abstract:In order to meet the accuracy requirement of the trajectory tracking motion of snake robot and eliminate the influence of the external disturbance on the tracking error of the robot, an adaptive trajectory tracking controller for snake robot tracking error prediction is proposed. The proposed controller achieves the prediction of the disturbance variables, friction coefficient and control parameters of the robot, and compensates the control input of the system with the predicted value and virtual control function. The sideslip angle of the snake robot in the trajectory tracking is conteracted, and the negative influence of the interference variables on the robot is avoided. The error stability and control accuracy of the trajectory tracking are improved. After the snake robot model is established, the line-of-sight method is improved using the integral sideslip angle compensation term. The adaptive trajectory tracking controller of snake robot is designed. The position error of the robot converges within 10 s, the angle error is less than 0. 03 rad, and the predicted value error converges within 5 s. Through simulation experiments, the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed controller are verified.