Fast onsite selfpositioning method for robot automatic drilling and riveting system

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中图分类号TP2422V2624 文献标识码A国家标准学科分类代码: 4605030

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    Abstract:Robot automatic drilling and riveting system has got more and more extensive applications in the manufacture and assembly of aeronautical parts. This paper proposes a fast onsite selfpositioning method of the robot, which uses the single industrial camera carried in the end effectorof the drillingand rivetingrobot tocarry outthe fastonsiteselfpositioning. The method onlyneedstodrive the industrialcameraat theend ofthe drillingand rivetingrobot in teaching modetosequentially image morethansixlocating points whose coordinates are known in advance in the workpiece coordinate system, the transformation relationship between the robot base coordinate system and workpiece coordinate system can be determined quickly and easily. The results show that the deviation of the rotation vector between coordinate systems is less than 0004, and the absolute deviations of the translation vectors in X, Y and Z directions are less than 05 mm, the highprecision selfpositioning of the robot is achieved. The mathematical model of the robot selfpositioning method based on sequentially, individually imaging of the locating points is derived. Aiming at the new model, a high efficient and steady solving algorithm is put forward. The proposed method directly makes use of the industrial camera carried in the automatic drilling and riveting system itself, is not restricted by the locating point distribution. Since no additional coordinate measuring system, for instance a laser tracker, is necessary to carry out tedious onsite threedimensional measurement and data processing, the onsite alignment process of the robot and workpiece is much more convenient and efficient. The proposed robot positioning model and solving method established aiming at sequentially, individually imaging of multiple locating points can be widely used to solve the selfpositioning problem of various kinds of eyeinhand robotic systems.

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